Months went on as it sat in my office (still green) and filled with my jewelry which also didn't have a real home... then we moved. We've now been in our new house for about 2 months. Earlier this week I was rearranging and organizing things in my office and started to feel bad for gram's desk which was, yet again, in my purple-ish office. I moved it into the hallway (we didn't have a hallway in our previous house) so I could finish unloading boxes and moving things around.
Once it was in the hallway I really liked it there! The space that I placed it in was the perfect size for it and we intend on painting the walls a dark charcoal grey color so I think the green will look really nice against it.

A. White frame holding a Dove chocolate wrapper that reads, Exercise your heart today, that my husbands great-grandmother gave me the 1st time I met her and sadly the last time before she passed. (It kind of feels like a personal message from her to me.) B. Painting of Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) from The Life Aquatic, one of his all-time favorite movies painted by a good friend of his. C. Statue my mother brought for me from Punta Cana about 10 years ago. D. Card box from our wedding. E. Photo of us taken by a photobooth at Chuck-E-Cheese from my nephew's 3rd birthday. F. Porcelain cat from Benihana that a tropical drink came in on our first date. G. A large vase the hubs made in a pottery class in high school (it just happens to be green+blue)

I love when I get so much enjoyment out of something that didn't cost a thing.