Studio: (visited Monday)
more than enough space (the total sq footage of the entire studio is over 300k sq ft)
no windows, black unfinished walls, super high ceilings
no restrictions on decor
probably a $$$ on the price scale because we would still have to rent tables, chairs, linens, etc
great photo spots nearby
most likely any date we want
still need to find a ceremony spot

Pluma: (visiting Thursday)
plenty of space, newer
centrally located
no idea yet on cost
not good for photos
still have to find a ceremony site
almost no dates available, we'd have to settle

Barn: (visiting soon)
our date is available!
150 guest max (125 - 135 comfortably) our list is roughly 180
recently renovated 'barn' converted into a modern event space
ceremony + reception on site
good for photos
a $$ on the price scale because we wouldn't have to rent tables, chairs, etc
35 mile drive for me, about 50+ for some guests

I gotta say that I'm getting excited about the Barn... it reminds me of the space we lost back in August. I never wanted a 'rustic' or 'earthy' wedding but it's a really neat space and I'm looking very forward to visiting! We've been praying pretty hard about our wedding so we're very anxious to find a place as soon as possible.
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