So yet another wrench in our plans. As my bridesmaids had to rush to get there dresses by the deadline, now our groomsmen also have to rush. We've been looking at this one suit for weeks now that is a really nice black 3 button jacket with flat front pants. I had Giancarlo be my model for it and we really liked it. The promotional price was right too... $129 for the jacket + pant, compared to $120 - $160 to rent a tux that they can't keep and have to pick up the day before to return it the day after. We were really excited about this one. On Tuesday, though, we found out that the price we like so much would no longer be offered after this Saturday. Grrrr.
So boys please don't be mad or frustrated with us! We've been
trying to find good deals and make everything so that it's not even the least bit inconvenient! Sorry for the rush on this! :(
Side note on the pants... we prefer the flat front pant, but if you try it on and decide it doesn't fit you right there is supposedly a pleated pant that goes with this suit as well.
{ no vests for the wedding, of course it's a good deal if you just want one anyway }