I really thought I posted a picture of this a while back but I guess I didn't!
I made these 2 matching photo frames for myself and for one of closest friends, Michelle! We have known eachother for over 22 years! {Now that number makes me feel old.} To make a long story short we were neighbors most of our lives :)
Well she totally came through for me during my wedding planning and on the day of. So I wanted to give her something handmade. I kept the 4" x 6" frame and I gave her the 5" x 7" (which I think is totally the nicer of the 2).

I purchased these frames from IKEA because they were really inexpensive and nicer then the crafting frames at Michaels and Joann Fabrics I've seen. When I was finished with my favorite tool - Mod Podge! - I adorned them with genuine Swarovski crystals.
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